Written by - Codiak
Updated: July 30, 2023
Posted: July 24, 2023
To unlock the Invader takes multiple steps, and those steps do involve some major spoilers along the way, like story progression-based spoilers. If you’re someone that wants to explore Remnant 2 for yourself first, I absolutely don’t blame you. Bookmark this and come back another day.
Step one requires us to pick up the unique melee weapon, Dreamcatcher. This requires us to travel to Losomn and, if luck is on your side, you’ll have the Nightweaver main story. This is tied to the Morrow Parish starting tileset. If you get Palace Courtyard, well, you’re out of luck and will need to roll some adventure worlds. You’ll know because early on in your journey here, you’ll run across the Dran Asylum.
It’s a creepy place, straight out of a resident evil game, but this is your key to unlocking the Dreamcatcher.
Our first objective is to obtain the asylum third floor keys. To do this head down into the basement and move through the right hallway until you reach a set of stairs leading outside. Once outside, interact with the woodshed door and you’ll have to fight the aberration, Ripsaw.
Once you dispatch him, check the woodshed for the Asylum third floor key.
With those in hand head back to where you entered the asylum and head up the stairs. On the third floor you’ll face a host of warriors from the Fae realm. Clear them all out and look for the open window. Jump outside, onto the landing and pick up the prison cell key.
At this point you have everything you need so you can head back down to the basement and talk to the mysterious voice behind the locked door. Unlocking the door will reward you with the Nightweaver Stone Doll, which is your key to the Dreamcatcher weapon we’re hunting down.
At this point you need to progress in the main story. All I’ll say is to access our destination we need to encounter the Nightweaver in the Gilded Chambers. When you do eventually run into the Nightweaver you’ll acquire the Soulkey Tribute, which is the only way to enter the realm of the world boss, and home to the weapon we are seeking.
With the Soulkey Tribute in hand head back to Morrow Parish and head to the basement. This is when we’ll interact with the weird spider sac looking thing and offer up the Soulkey Tribute, which will open a rift and immediately teleport us to the Tormented Asylum.
At this point all you need to do to get the weapon is find this small cell room with the interactable web. Here you can place any quest item you have into the web. Some reward special items, others just get consumed, so be careful what you are clicking on here. Place the Nightweaver Stone Doll in the web and you’ll be rewarded with the Dreamcatcher.
Part 2 is going to take us to a completely different part of the game, again, another major spoiler. This time we’re heading to the Corrupted Harbor on Root Earth, the final zone in the game.
You’ll need to progress through this entire zone until you reach this warehouse looking building.
Inside will be a small checkpoint which is your marker. If this is your first time exploring Corrupted Harbor you’ll need to follow the normal path which will end with a gauntlet fight inside of a machine room. Once you’ve cleared out the room head through the open door on the lowest floor this will take you down a pathway to an open area just a little way away.
There you’ll see a dead enemy on the ground, but before we get there, you’ll need to fight a few root enemies, including an elite.
Once the room is clear it’s time for some magic. Take your new Dreamcatcher weapon and equip it. You’ll notice that dead enemy has a strange blue glow radiating off of it. Use a melee attack with the dreamcatcher on the enemy and you’ll get a consumable called Walkers Dream. Slot this into your hotbar and trigger its effect, teleporting you into an alternate dimension.
You’ll start at a checkpoint back at the top of the hill. Make sure you’re topped off and head back down into the open area. There, an aberration of the enemy that was previously dead will be waiting, named Bane. This fight can be an absolute bear, and I have no shame in admitting that both Livid and I died while in the fight. Luckily we killed Bane before that happened and our prize was the Wooden Shiv.
If you’ve watched any of our other Archetype videos you know the deal now. Take the Wooden Shiv back to Wallace in Ward 13 and turn it into your new engram, the Serrated Root Blade. Equip it, and you my friend have now unlocked, the Invader.
By all accounts this archetype is all about subterfuge and the art of fooling your enemy and then killing them while they’re distracted.
When casting any Invader skill you leave behind a decoy, which draws enemy fire. You also deal more damage to any targets not actively targeting the Invader. Hide in the shadows and carry a big stick, you know the deal.
S.H.A.R.K (Damage Perk)
Sprinting or evading adds 1 stack of Momentum which increases ranged and melee damage for a period of time. This can stack up to 5 times which means if you stay on the move you will deal significantly more damage. It’s an uptime buff which does require some management, but with great skill comes great reward.
Loophole (Team Perk)
This grants lifesteal to all damage by any allies when they attack any enemies distracted by the Invaders decoy.
Circumvent (Utility Perk)
This reduces the cost of evade and combat slide by 10%.
Override (Relic Perk)
When the Invader uses a relic they immediately reduce their aggro for a short period of time. During the buff duration if the Invader evades an attack, they spawn an empowered decoy which lasts for a longer period of time.
Further expanding on the Invader’s passive benefits is the archetype trait Untouchable, which is absolutely nuts. At level one this increases your invulnerability window when dodging by 3% and 30% at level 10. Keep in mind if you level this up to 10, you’ll also have access to untouchable regardless of what engram you have actively slotted so this is huge.
Void Cloak
Automatically perfect dodges any incoming direct damage for a decent stretch of time. Depending on how much damage that attack would have caused will reduce the buff, and could completely negate it after one attack but regardless you avoid the damage and a decoy is spawned. This skill trigger any items that activate on perfect dodge so keep that in mind when you consider build synergy.
Worm Hole
Teleports the caster forward, directly behind an enemy if there’s room. The next melee or ranged attack within a short window deals insanely more damage. You can also hold down the skill button to show the targeting device giving you more precise control of the teleport.
When activated, it records your current health, stamina, relic charges, ammo, and negative status effects, which are stored for a short period of time. While the backup is active you gain increased movement speed and damage reduction. Reactivating the skill restores all saved values from the backup and spawns a decoy. This one is a little tricky to wrap your head around, but in practice it allows for some incredible sustain and could be a wildly powerful skill paired with something like a Challenger skill. Tankiness combined with immediate access to full health, stamina, ammo, and relic charges, yes please.
I know it’s a lot, but we have one more thing to do, and that’s to claim the unique armor set and weapon tied to this archetype. Thanks to our trusty explorer skill, treasure hunter Livid was able to track all of this down on root earth and it’s quite literally just hiding out of sight.
To find this gear you’ll want to travel to the Ashen Wasteland, the first Root Earth zone.
There, make your way down the ramp until you reach the underpass with all the parked cars. Clear out the enemies and head directly left. Move around the side of the area until you reach a high wall and a building on your left. Again, kill the enemies and move inside the building. Inside you’ll have to fight some more root, clear them out and make your way up the ramps until you reach this landing.
The key is to jump to the half wall that’s intersecting the exterior wall. You’ll want to aim so that the exterior wall prevents you from rolling off because the key is to stay on that half-wall. If you do it correctly you can move outside and drop down to the left. There, waiting for you are two things, the Steel Katana, the melee starting weapon for the Invader as well as the Dendroid Armor Set. This is a super lightweight set of armor so it has some cool implications when you think about synergy and all the ways you can weave it into a powerful build.