Team Legacy

About Cody

Cody is one-half of the team that makes up Legacy Gaming. Blending his background in media production with his passion for video games it was a natural fit for him to start creating content on YouTube.

Cody and Anthony bonded over their desire to create high-quality info-driven shortcuts, no b%^$#! just videos people want to watch. They immediately hit it off, and in 2020 the two of them formed what is now know as, 'Legacy Gaming'. As Cody always says, “Creating content is a marathon, not a sprint” and after just a few years on the platform he's come to love connecting with the Legacy Gaming community, and watching the channel thrive. It's an incredibly rewarding passion that requires constant attention and re-investment, but the future is bright, and legacy gaming is just getting started.

A beautiful photo of Cody (Codiak)



A beautiful photo of Cody (Codiak)



About Anthony

Anthony is the other half of the team that makes up Legacy Gaming. With a background in motion graphics, graphic design, and 3D animation, as well as editorial media, he utilizes all of his skills designing everything you see under the Legacy Gaming umbrella.

Clean. Clear. Concise. Those are just a few words Anthony believes should be pillars of quality Youtube content. After years of frustration with video game journalism and media playing to the dollar instead of the consumer, it was time to do something about it. Attention to detail and a belief in no non-sense media meant working together with Cody was a pure inevitability. Together, he hopes they can create a long-lasting, positive community where people who just love games can come together and inevitably give back to the world as a whole through gaming. Stay humble, keep creating, and play on with Legacy Gaming.

Legacy Gaming © 2023

Made by Nightlight