Written by - Codiak
Updated: July 30, 2023
Posted: July 30, 2023
Our previous Archetype guides have had quite a bit of meat to them, but the Explorer is built a bit different. To unlock the class, you simply need to beat the final story boss on any difficulty. This will reward you with the Old Compass and item you can take to Wallace, back on Ward 13, and turn into the Golden Compass, the class archetype item. It’s that simple but having access to the explorer is really only the first step as the class is tailor-made for hunting down secrets and collecting piles of loot, and that my friends is its true strength.
Grants a 35% chance to spawn additional items and rarer drops when defeating stronger enemies, at max level. That means every time you kill an elite you have a 1-in-3 chance for more loot and better loot.
Scavenger (Damage Perk)
Grants an increase to all damage dealt when the player picks up any item. Scrap, ammo, loot, it doesn’t matter, the effect triggers off of everything, and the buff can stack up to 5 times with a max duration of 60 seconds, refreshed every time you pick up a new item. It’s a deceptively powerful perk and also easy to keep active so long as you keep killing and keep looting.
Metal Detector (Team Perk)
Increases ammo, currency, and metal drop rate for the entire party.
Prospector (Utility Perk)
Increases the quality of all relic fragments found by the explorer. So instead of getting a level 0 or 1, you might now get a level 2 or 3, which increases the effect of the relic in question.
Self Discovery (Relic Perk)
Instantly fills scavenger stacks and prevents the buff from decaying for a short period of time.
Increases movement speed and reduces stamina for a decent amount of time. This is great for moving around maps quickly and you know, looking for secrets. It’s also an excellent skill for melee-centric players. Speed and stamina are two critical elements for players leaning into that play style so don’t sleep on the skill.
Gold Digger
When activated players dig into the ground to spring a fountain which grants a random buff. This buff can either increase all damage dealt, increase damage reduction or provide passive health regeneration.
Fortune Hunter
This allows the Explorer to sense nearby treasure, revealing it for the entire party for a limited time. If you’re in the business for new loot, this is the key.
Increases movement speed up to 15% at level 10.
Once leveled the Explorer is a fantastic archetype to use if you’re in the business for new loot, but there’s one final piece to this puzzle, an amulet that can further cement the class as the king of loot. What you’re looking for is the Scavenger’s Bauble, an amulet that can only be found in Yaesha. This is one of three randomly occurring amulets in that zone, so if you don’t find it during your story progression I recommend swinging over to adventure mode and playing through the game there.
When equipped, you gain 50% more scrap from all sources. When added to the metal detector perk from the Explorer, we’re looking at a total of 60% more scrap across the board, and that’s a game changer.
If you didn’t already know scrap is your lifeblood in Remnant 2, and you’ll need that, plus various types of metal to upgrade all of the new weapons you collect throughout your runs. If you find yourself running short on metal ingots you can always purchase them from Cass, her shop will resupply on timer, but it will always refresh given enough time has passed. You’ll also need scrap for other things like respeccing your traits, upgrading mutators and relics, or purchasing new archetypes and weapon mods, so as you can see, it’s central to your progression in the game.
Once you’ve unlocked the Explorer you can create a new character and select the Explorer as the starting archetype. With that you’ll also receive two secret weapons as starters, Ford’s Scattergun and The Hero’s Sword.
Ford’s Scattergun is a short to short-medium range shotgun with a 7 round magazine and decently high damage. It’s a great run and gun weapon which pairs nicely with how the explorer is designed. Activate Plainswalker and run around shooting enemies as you hunt for secrets.
The other weapon, The Hero’s Sword, is a throwback to a weapon of the same name in the first game, that was unlocked in survival mode. There’s no real secret to unlocking this weapon in Remnant 2, you just need to beat the game on the nightmare difficulty, an impressive feat in itself. You can then purchase the hero sword from Brabus the arms vendor back on Ward 13. Its real stand-out quality is its special effect, Energy Wave. When using a charge attack you can send out a blade of energy that can be flung like a projectile. This is similar to the Fae Golden Knight’s ability that you often have to deal with in Losomn.
Friends, I don’t know what you’re still sitting around for. Go unlock the Explorer and hunt down some loot. There’s a lot to discover and trust me when I say locating the loot is only the first challenge.