Written by - Codiak
Updated: July 30, 2023
Posted: July 24, 2023
Unlocking this class is rather simple, if you know where to look. No amount of data mining can help you when it comes to discovering the biggest secrets the game has to offer, and lucky for you, we were on the hunt.
To unlock the Engineer Archetype you first need to reach the second overworld in a N’Erud playthrough, that is, the second outdoor tileset in the world. For us, that was Eon’s Vault, but we know, for a fact, that this secret spawns on the second overworld no matter what.
The only way we could find this secret was thanks to the level 10 Explorer skill, Treasure Hunter. We’ll have another video talking about that Archetype coming out real soon, so keep your eyes peeled. Treasure Hunter allowed Livid to see into the poison fog that surrounds the map, and thus a secret was found. You’ll notice that without treasure hunter finding this would be nearly impossible, nearly.
Inside the fog is a dead engineer, and if you’re brave enough to take the plunge you can move through the poison fog and claim the first reward, the Technician armor set. This takes some patience so read carefully. After moving through the poison fog, you’ll puke. You’ll have a brief moment to move right after, and that’s when you run and jump across the ledge in front of you to a new landing. Don’t bask in its epic glory too long, there’s still more to do. Drop down off the ledge you’re currently standing to a small basin below and there, buried in the dirt is the real prize, the Alien Device.
It’s moments like this that make me appreciate how incredible games like Remnant 2 are because it’s a payoff to a secret hardly anyone knows exist, and that is just a great feeling.
However, we can’t stop here. We need to head back to Ward 13 and make our way to Wallace, because he’s the key to turning that alien device into something a lot more powerful, the Dryzr Caliper. Take a second, equip your new item, and you’ve got yourself an Engineer.
Heavy Weapon: Vulcan
When pressed you deploy a cannon turret which automatically fires at nearby enemies. You can also prioritize a target, just like you would the dog on the handler. The turret does have ammo, and you can see how much is in reserve thanks to a handy bar above the skill’s icon.
Here’s the cool part, when you hold the ability, you deploy the turret in carry mode allowing you to move it around the battlefield and fire it as you see fit. You are still limited by its ammunition, keep that in mind.
By double pressing the skill button it’ll recall the turret returning most of it’s remaining ammo. While stored the turret will automatically regenerate ammo, but there are a few cool nuances that can speed that along. We’ll get there, I promise.
Heavy Weapon: Flamethrower
It functions in much the same way as the Vulcan Cannon. When pressed you place a flamethrower turret on the ground. Instead of lasers you get flaming grenades which isn’t a bad trade off if you think about it. Also, you can build around status damage so, something to think about.
Again, by long pressing the skill you can carry the flamethrower turret into combat.
Double pressing the skill will recall the turret returning most of its remaining ammo. Again when not deployed the Flamethrower will regenerate ammo until it’s fully recharged
Heavy Weapon: Impact Cannon
Think of this like an alien railgun and you’ll be pretty close to spot on. This thing penetrates all targets, making it an absolute beast when it comes to taking down multiple enemies, so long as they’re lined up. It also does a small AOE around the turret itself whenever it fires, slightly mirroring the tremor mod power.
You know the deal by now, when you hold the skill you can activate it in carry mode, and when you double press you recall the cannon returning most of its remaining ammo.
One thing I absolutely need to note, and I know this for a fact, when your turret is deployed it counts as a summon, so considering what we already know about the awesome Summoner archetype we revealed on the channel, you can see how the pieces could come together to create one hell of a cyberborg-yaeshan summoner. Think about the build potential.
High Tech
The Prime perk takes all of those skills to the next insane level. When deployed in either turret or carry mode you can hold your skill button again to activate overclock. When overclocked your heavy weapons are granted infinite ammo, increased fire rate, and a massive damage buff starting at 15 seconds, but as you level it up this duration gets longer. The kicker, the cooldown is less than a minute so you can activate this in almost any serious fight.
As expected, the perks keep us chugging right along and further enhance the Engineer.
Metalworker (Damage Perk)
Increases skill damage, while also increasing the ammo capacity and max health of your heavy weapons.
Magnetic Field (Team Perk)
Increases damage resistance by a significant amount for all allies near the engineer or it’s turrets.
Heavy Mobility (Utility Perk)
Increases the engineer’s movement speed while carrying a heavy weapon
Surplus (Relic Perk)
When the Engineer uses a Relic it refills a portion of the heavy weapon ammo reserves. If the heavy weapon is currently stowed, that is, not deployed or carried, that effect is doubled.
The passive Trait just further proves the class is built to withstand anything in the game. Fortify increases a player’s armor effectiveness, starting at 5% at level 1, and increasing to 50% at level 10. That means if a piece of armor has a defense value of 10, and this trait is level 10, that piece of armor now has a value of 15. Factor in all 4 pieces of defensive gear and this is easily one of, if not, the best defensive trait in the game.
You’ve pretty much got the gist for the class, but we have to take this one step further. When you unlock a new Archetype, you can create a new character and automatically assign any unlocked class, which in this case, means the engineer. With that you also get the starting weapons, and what starting weapons they are.
Pulse Rifle (Long Gun)
A wickedly accurate three-shot-burst gun that deals moderate damage, The Pulse Rifle has a magazine of 30 rounds, and it’s a weapon I could see quickly becoming a favorite of a lot of players. It’s traditional in application but still feels incredible unique and N’Erudian, which I think a lot of people are going to like.
Rupture Cannon (Handgun)
Think pistol shotgun and you’ve kind of got a sense for what it brings to the table. It’s a more focused spread, but still has enough splay that you could potentially hit multiple targets or rip one big hole through a singular one.
Atom Smasher (Melee)
This is actually a secret reward you can find after completing the N’Erud train event in Terminus Station, but if you create a new Engineer, you get it standard. When you use a charge attack with this weapon it increases the speed of all melee attacks by 10% for 5 seconds afterwards. In the grand scheme of melee weapons, this thing is solid.