Written by - Codiak
Updated: July 30, 2023
Posted: July 22, 2023
As with most things in Remnant 2 you first have to find yourself in the right situation. Because of the way players experience the game in a random order that might take an hour, or it might take longer. The key to unlocking the Summoner is Yaesha.
However, even when you do make it to this world, you’ll need to ensure somewhere in the world is a Bloodmoon Alter. We have encountered this in more than one place. Luckily, if you do have it, it’s pretty easy to find and is called out on your map by this blue icon.
If you don’t get a Bloodmoon Alter on your playthrough remember you can always re-roll your Yaesha map in Adventure mode and try again, that’s the best way to farm for secrets, and in this case, the summoner archetype item.
I want to take a moment and also ensure you know, this is also where you can pick up a few pieces of jewelry and the epic looking set for the Summoner. For all 4 pieces it’ll run you 25 Bloodstone Essences and 1950 Scrap.
The real question at this point is, how do you obtain the all important Bloodmoon Essence? Well periodically the sky in Yeasha will turn red, indicating a blood moon is present. This is purely a timing thing and will change as you move between the Yaesha tilesets. The Blood Moon’s are triggered simply by a timer. While the timer ticks, it won’t trigger automatically. It’s triggered by you entering that zone. So to get this to appear, you may have to wait quite a while. We found that in the ballpark of every 2-3 hours.
Once you encounter a blood moon, make your way to one of the tilesets that are themed with jungle assets. A couple examples by name are The Forbidden Grove, The Faithless Thicket, and The Far Woods, but there are, of course, others.
As you explore, you’ll notice these floating purple orbs known as Wisps of Bloodmoon Essence. These can spawn literally anywhere in these jungle zones, and sometimes can even be clumped together in some random corner, so make sure to explore thoroughly. Shoot them and a bloodmoon essence will make its way into your inventory. This is the currency you need to collect.
Something to note, treat these as an extremely rare commodity. While multiple may spawn in a tileset, they won’t respawn once obtained. You’ll need to reroll your campaign or adventure mode to get them again, so spend wisely. Our experience is that you can expect to get between 20-25 during one full Yaesha clear. Sometimes less, sometimes more.
Once you have obtained 15 Essences, head back to the Bloodmoon Alter and pick up the Faded Grimoire. Take this back to Ward 13, speak with Wallace, and craft your new Archetype item. This’ll cost you an additional 10 Lumenite Crystals and 1000 Scrap, but you will finally, at the end of your journey have access to the Summoner archetype.